The pdf file below are handwriting worksheets on the names for the twelve months in Filipino. The first set has names for the month that the student can trace. The second set has lines for the student to copy the names for the months. Both illustrations are by samutsamot_mom.
Click on the link below, not the thumbnails, to open the pdf file in another tab.
Mga Buwan Handwriting Worksheets
The pdf file below is a set of worksheets on the months in Filipino.
Worksheet 1: The student is asked to write the months in the correct order.
Worksheet 2: The student is asked to write the names of the missing months. All images were obtained from
Worksheet 3: The student is asked to write the month that comes next.
Worksheet 4: The student is asked to answer questions about the months of the year.
You may print and distribute these worksheets to your students and children, but you may not do so for profit.