Mga Aspekto ng mga Pandiwang AN
This post has tables that are best viewed using a laptop or desktop. It is possible that you may not be able to view the tables using a mobile phone. My previous post dealt with the verbal aspects of object-focus verbs with the suffix -in or -hin. This post lists object-focus verbs with the suffix -an or -han (AN verbs). Like the IN verbs, the conjugation of AN verbs depends on whether the root word begins with a vowel or a consonant (location of the affix IN changes), whether it has the letter O in its final syllable (the O becomes a U), or whether the root word ends in the letter D (the D becomes R). The first table lists verbs with the suffix -an and the second table lists verbs with the suffix -han. Some verbs with root words that end in a vowel are suffixed with -han…