Mga Karaniwang Hayop Handwriting Booklet

The pdf file below has pages with illustrations of common animals labeled with their Filipino names as well as the English translations of these names. The student is asked to trace the name of the animal and rewrite it on the lines below the word he or she traced.

Each page can be cut up into four smaller pages and made into a booklet. There are 24 animals included in this handwriting booklet. The first page may be used as the cover and back page. The students may be asked to color the illustrations and decorate the cover page.

The illustrations for the aso, pusa, ibon, palaka, daga, isda, butiki, uod, gagamba, and manok are by samutsamot_mom.  All other images were obtained from and are public domain.

You may print and distribute these pages to your children or students, but please do not do so for profit. Click on the link below, not the thumbnails, to open the pdf file.

Mga Karaniwang Hayop



This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. LeslieKim

    Mam, first of all, I thank God you exist! :)
    Please please please keep sharing Filipino worksheets for reading. I need more worksheets for an orphan I am teaching how to read. He’s 13 but he has very poor reading skills. His teacher even recommends I should go back to sounds before syllabication.
    I can’t do what you can do ’cause I don’t have the enough resources. How I wish I have all the time in the world to make all those worksheets. Please keep sharing. :) Thanks ever so much.

    1. samutsamot_mom

      Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving an encouraging comment. I am curious to know if you are a Filipino and if the orphan you speak of is Filipino. Do you reside in the Philippines? Most of the worksheets I post in my blog are intended for use by Filipino kids or adults teaching Filipino kids. Sometimes I add the English translations of Filipino words for Filipino kids whose first language is English. I’m asking this because I would like to know how I can help you. What type of worksheets do you need?

      1. Jennycris P. Volante

        hello. i am a filipino.a mother of two kids..i find your site very helpful for me to teach my children. i would like to have a copy of worksheets for my Kindergarten and Grade 2 elementary topics.Thank you.

        1. samutsamot_mom

          Hi, Jenny! You will need the program Adobe Reader (which may be downloaded for free from the Internet) to download and open the pdf worksheets on this blog. Please type in the Search box of this blog the Filipino subject topic your second grader needs to review (for example, “pangngalan”). You may also type “Filipino worksheets for Grade 2” in the Search box. For your preschool child, click on the category “Preschool Worksheets.” Thanks!

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