Mga Ibon Handwriting Booklet and Lesson Sheet

The pdf file below has pages with illustrations of birds labeled with their Filipino names as well as the English translations of these names. The student is asked to trace the name of the bird and rewrite it on the lines below the word he or she traced.

Each page can be cut up into four smaller pages and made into a booklet. There are twenty birds included in this handwriting booklet. The first page may be used as the cover and back page. The students may be asked to color the illustrations and decorate the cover page.

The illustrations for the tandang (rooster), buwitre (vulture), and agila (eagle) are by samutsamot_mom.  The image of the maya (sparrow) is from All other images were obtained from and are public domain. (Thank you, clker!)

You may print and distribute these pages to your children or students, but please do not do so for profit. Click on the link below, not the thumbnails, to open the pdf file.

Mga Ibon_minipages



If you want your child to learn the Filipino names of the birds, I also made a lesson sheet on that with the same images as those in the booklet above. English translations are included as well.

You may print and distribute these pages to your children or students, but please do not do so for profit. Click on the link below, not the thumbnails, to open the pdf file.

Mga Ibon



I’ll be posting handwriting booklets like these on other animals next time. Enjoy!


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