Mga Prutas

The pdf file below is about the Filipino words for several fruits.  All illustrations are by samutsamot_mom.  You may print and distribute these pages to your children or students.  You may not do so for profit.  Click on the link below to open the file.

Mga Prutas

The first two pages has illustrations of fruits and they are labeled.



The third page is a coloring page. The student/child is asked to name the fruits and color the illustrations.


The last page is a worksheet that asks the student/child to circle the correct Filipino name for the fruit.


The pdf file below is a set of mini-flashcards with illustrations of several fruits.  Click on the link below to open the file.

Mga Prutas_flashcards

In the first two pages, the fruits are labeled with their Filipino names and their English translations.



In the next two pages, the student/child traces the Filipino name under the illustration of the fruit.



These mini-flashcards may be cut, stapled, and made into a small booklet.

I’m hoping to add other fruits in the future.  Please suggest a fruit or fruits to be added to future lesson sheets, worksheets, or mini-flashcards by leaving a comment.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Liz

    hi….homeschooling mom here for the first time. MY daughter is in grade 1. We don’t have a filipino book yet for our filipino subject. I want something that is interactive because my dauchter is a tactile/kinesthetic kind of a learner. And also, I am looking for a book that has lots of short stories for her age in Filipino. Any recommendation po? Thank you :)

    P.S. I also created a blog site for our progress and experiences as a Filipino Homeschooler.

    1. samutsamot_mom

      Hi, Liz! Congratulations on deciding to homeschool your daughter. I also homeschooled my daughter for four out of the six grade school years. She’s now in seventh grade in a science high school in our city. I recommend Adarna, Lampara, and Tahanan storybooks. They have several titles in both English and Filipino. If you want something interactive, Adarna has launched a few digital versions of their storybooks. You can check them out at I believe more and more Filipino storybooks will be turned into digital apps. That’s something to look forward to. Good luck on your homeschooling journey!

  2. Jenny Portem

    Thank you so much! These drawings are so much better than what I see in my child’s worksheets! And I pay for them at that! I love the details! Many thanks!

    1. samutsamot_mom

      Thank you, Jenny! I mean, you’re welcome, Jenny!

  3. marianne

    thank you for being so generous

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