The thumbnails below are links to pdf worksheets for preschool or first grade students. There are three versions of the worksheet on the different parts of the body (mga bahagi ng katawan). The English versions of the worksheets follow the set of Filipino worksheets.
Feel free to download, print, or photocopy these worksheets for your children or students. Please do not copy or redistribute them (or any part of the worksheets) for profit. All illustrations are by samutsamot_mom.
Mga Bahagi ng Katawan Worksheets
The first worksheet asks the student to write the names of the parts of the body inside the boxes. The first worksheet is followed by its answer key.
The second worksheet below also asks the student to write the names of the parts of the body inside the boxes, but the names of the parts are listed in the instruction. For the second worksheet, the same answer key above is used.
The third worksheet asks the student to list down the numbered parts of the body. The answer key follows the worksheet.
Parts of the Body Worksheets and Answer Key
The Parts of the Body worksheets below are different from the Filipino worksheets above. The Filipino worksheets indicate the three parts of the leg: thigh (hita), knee (tuhod), and lower leg (binti). The thigh and the lower leg are not labeled in the worksheets below; both are labeled “leg.”
The parts of the arm in the Filipino worksheets have three labels: the entire arm (bisig), elbow (siko), and forearm (braso). The forearm is not labeled in the worksheets below; the entire arm is labeled “arm.”
The answer key is provided below.
very useful. thanks!
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This is a very useful site. Thanks
Thanks for this!!
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