Pagtambalin ang mga Pantig

If you will be teaching Filipino syllables (mga pantig), below is the link to a PDF file with 4 worksheets. These worksheets ask the learner to match a 3-letter syllable to another 3-letter syllable to create a Filipino word. The learner is asked to write the complete word on the rightmost column. The example given matches the syllables suk and lay to make the word suklay. Look at the preview below. Most syllables are of the form KPK (katinig-patinig-katinig). Note that ng is considered to be one letter (a consonant or katinig) in the Filipino alphabet, so a syllable like mang is a 3-letter syllable (KPK form). The Terms of Use are given in the same PDF file. If you download the PDF file and use the worksheets, it is understood that you have agreed to abide by the terms. You can also read the Terms of Use in the…

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Pantig Worksheets (Part 4)

The PDF file below has three worksheets. Each worksheet asks the student to circle the correct syllable (pantig) that completes a Filipino word. Each worksheet has two versions. The second version has the middle dot that separate two consecutive syllables in a word. The student is also asked to write the entire word in the box. The words in each worksheet are related. The worksheets in the PDF file are for personal and classroom use only. You may not use them for profit or for any commercial use. Please read the Terms of Use in the file. The PDF file features clip art by Kari Bolt and Little Red’s Clipart. Check out their online stores by clicking the links below: By downloading the PDF file below, you agree with its Terms of Use stated in the first page of the file. Click the text link below, not the…

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Pantig Worksheets (Part 1)

This post is dedicated to Helen who requested worksheets on the syllabication of Filipino words (pagpapantig) for Grade 1 students. You may download, save, print, photocopy, and distribute these worksheets to your children or students. Please do not copy any part of any of the worksheets posted in this blog or distribute them for profit. The clipart for the words bundok, sanggol, gusali, plantsa, and plaslayt were obtained from  All the other illustrations are by samutsamot_mom. The two worksheets below ask the student to write the missing syllable to complete the word for the illustration shown. Similar worksheets for preschool or first grade students may be found here. 1.  Isulat ang Pantig_4 2.  Isulat ang Pantig_5 The two worksheets below ask the student to identify the type of the underlined syllable (P, KP, PK, KPK, KKP, KPKK, or KKPK) where P stands for patinig (vowel) and K stands for…

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Alpabeto at Pantig Worksheets

The worksheets below are for preschool and/or first grade students. All illustrations in the worksheets are by samutsamot_mom. Feel free to download, save, print, and photocopy these worksheets for your children or students. Please do not copy and/or redistribute any part of any of the worksheets posted in this blog for profit. The three thumbnails below are links to pdf worksheets on the Filipino alphabet. The first two asks the student to copy the letters (uppercase and lowercase) of the Filipino alphabet. The third worksheet asks the student to write the middle letter that goes between two letters of the Filipino alphabet. The three thumbnails below are links to pdf worksheets on Filipino syllables or pantig.  The student is asked to write the missing syllable to complete the word that names the illustration.

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