Preschool Filipino Worksheets Bundle Vol. 2

Hello, everyone! I'd like to thank those who purchased the Preschool Filipino Worksheets Bundle Vol. 1. Thank you very much for supporting this blog! I hope you all found the bundle useful. For those who were not able to avail of the first bundle, I'm giving the second bundle for free. Yes, you read right, it's totally FREE! But you need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is also FREE) from this site in order to view and download the PDF files. This volume has several PDF files on learning the numbers 1 to 10, and the basic colors and shapes in Filipino. You'd have to give your child/student the worksheets on colors first before giving the worksheets on shapes. Some shapes worksheets ask the child to color the shapes. I didn't have time to make thumbnails so you'd just have to click on the links to open the PDF…

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Mga Hugis

The 2-page pdf file below shows the names of several shapes in Filipino.  The first page shows the Filipino names for the shapes and the second page shows both the Filipino and English names for the shapes. Click on the link below, not the thumbnails, to open the pdf file. Pangalan ng mga Hugis Here's a pdf file with two worksheets that ask the student to name the shape. Isulat ang Pangalan ng Hugis You may be wondering why I did not use the words biluhaba or habilog to refer to the oval shape. According to the UP Diksiyonaryong Filipino, the words biluhaba and habilog are adjectives. They are used to describe objects that are oval-shaped or ellipse-shaped.  The words obalo and obalado may be used as nouns (to refer to the shape itself) or as adjectives (to describe objects that are oval-shaped or ellipse-shaped).  Since I am naming the…

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Mga Bilang at Mga Hugis Handwriting Worksheets

I thought I posted these preschool handwriting worksheets months ago. It turns out that I forgot to publish it. You may download, print, and photocopy the handwriting worksheets below for your preschoolers. Please do not distribute them for profit. Below are the thumbnails of the 2-page handwriting worksheet on Filipino numbers from 1 to 10 (mga bilang mula isa hanggang sampu).  Click on the link below to download the pdf file. Mga Bilang (1-10) Below are the thumbnails of the 2-page handwriting worksheet on the Filipino names for different shapes (mga hugis).  Note that the Filipino words biluhaba and habilog are both used for the oval shape.  Click on the link below to download the pdf file. Mga Hugis  

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Mga Buwan at Mga Hugis Worksheets

The pdf worksheets below are free. You may distribute them to your students or children. Please do not photocopy and distribute them for profit. The two worksheets below are about the Filipino names for the twelve months. The worksheet on the left asks the student to arrange and write the months in correct order.  The worksheet on the right asks the student to write the month that comes after the given month.    The worksheet below asks the student to circle the correct Filipino name of the shape. The worksheet below asks the student to circle the object with a different shape. The following clipart images were obtained from oval frame, soccer ball, chalkboard, chessboard, pen, key, pie slice, flock of birds, pizza slice, Rubik's cube, and globe. The worksheet below asks the student to match the halves of a shape.

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